Friday, 18 April 2008

Exam Stress kicking in

Am in the mid of exam stress mode... Did I say it in my last post that I was sooo behind my studies? Well, I'll say it again - sooo behind! Can't believe time flies so quickly! Exam dates are already out except for one of my subjects. At this moment, I finish exams on 23 Jun in the afternoon... and might head to Melb on that day for a week... haven't totally confirmed dates yet. Plus the cheap flights are almost gone.

By the way, just received my results from my online exam. Didn't do as well as I hoped from the MCQs and short-answers, but I got 70%.

Right now, the current stress is my reports - due straight after the midsem break. I haven't started, but will probably start tomorrow before work... It's really the only time I can do it. Well, I started the research for one. As for the other, that lecturer hadn't even gotten back to us regarding an assignment let alone information for the assignment. Like all we know is that it's 30%, it's a literature review and it's due in week 8, after the midsem break! In fact, a few of us emailed her but there's nothing at all! Arghh! She can't possibly expect us to do it in a week right? I seriously hope not. For the other assignment, this pract report I have to do - it looks fairly tough... but gonna read the key materials tomorrow and see if I can find anything else on the subject.

As for work, this week has been pretty crazy! In total, I would have worked 6 days this week. The only off day would be today (Thursday). Then am working Fri, Sat and Sun. Next week, working Tues, Fri, Sat and Sun for now... And going to the docs to get my vaccination for Hepatitis B. The good thing is that I don't have to squeeze all my vaccinations so soon... because I'll only need to have all of them by the start of next year. =)

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