Sunday, 3 February 2008

Life at my new place...

Last night, I unpacked all my boxes and so the place looks really lived in now. The only thing that is not done up properly is my bed. In fact, L, a friend and ex-housemate of TY's is now living in Sydney and coming over later in the afternoon to help fix that up. So from tomorrow onwards, all you guys can start visiting! (we have a very comfy sofa bed. In fact, you don't need to bring pillows, linen... etc... we have it all)

Been settling down ok I guess. Work has been great - kinda missed it. Met a few familiar faces and also met quite a few fresh/new faces too. Am gonna be starting work at SBS next week - how exciting!

Home-wise - not too good... In fact, I prefer work compared to study and being at home. I think there are some housing issues with my current housemate C. I honestly did not expect this turnout. I guess it's because she's never lived with anyone else apart from her immediate family. Well, here's the thing - every day, it seems that I have something to complain about with what she does, and I really hate complaining (I don't even have to think of complaining because it's right in front of your face and it's mere commonsense you do not do that). What am I talking about? C'll move my stuff around the house - she'd put my contact lens case in the cupboard when it's still wet and shut the door - commonsense is that when it's wet and in an area that is enclosed, the item will start to smell even though it's just water. The second thing is mere consideration. I was sleeping and turned the fan on because it was hot, but I still like to cover myself with the blanket (just for security). Then she turned the fan off assuming I probably don't need it anymore. But when she did, I immediately got up and turned it back on. I told her that I turned on the fan to circulate the air and because it gets a little warm, but I still like to be covered with a blanket, and she was like "okay..." It's not like I won't turn it off when I get up... unless she was cold, but it was bizarre, because she was gonna go out at that time. I also told her about the contact lens case yesterday and she wasn't too happy. You could see it on her face. In fact, I think all the things she does involves consideration, respect and commonsense. The other thing is that today she went out with L and K to play golf. I remembered mentioning that I will have to do my phonetics assignment today, but she should still have asked if I wanted to go right? I wasn't too upset about that because it might be their little thing, so that's fine... but then she'd message me later saying that she's going to have lunch at Rhodes shopping centre (about 5 mins drive from our place) with them. And she didn't bother asking "Have you have lunch? Wanna join us?" OR "Do you want me to buy back something?" Last time when I was with M, my temp accomm housemate, we thought of her and asked if she needed food... so it was just a little bit of consideration. Also, there was this plastic cupboard I had that I didn't want and I asked if she wanted it... She said she'll give it a try. But then when she didn't want it, she just moved it to my room. I mean, she should at least ask me first before putting it in my room right? Sigh... Anyway, I never really expected all of this. So yeah, I've been pretty upset about it and frustrated, and I fear that if I am complaining about these little commonsensical things she should know about every single day, it would make a huge rift between us - and it's slowly growing... Like I said, I confronted her about the things I mentioned, and she definitely didn't like it. The thing is that after I confronted her, the next day, something else upsets me, so I don't really know how long I can put up with this. It's only been about a month. The good side is she is really handy and helpful around the house. She'd help me fix up my cupboards, shelves, wash the dishes, etc... which I truly appreciate. But yeah, perhaps next year, she can go on staying with L and K if they don't mind her "managing ways" around the house... and I'll go stay with M, my temp accomm (because by then, M will have to leave as her contract at the temp acomm is only for a year). And M and I have lived together and we have lived with various people before (I think boarding school certainly helps you with learning to respect and show consideration towards one another...) Perhaps L and K don't mind because they probably don't share a common bathroom and C doesn't need to buy groceries or fix up stuff and they don't really share or use the same stuff...

I recall passing C my blog address so if she reads this, it may be better. Then she'll know my heart and how I truly feel about us living together. I don't think she's been reading my blog... but it might be good I guess if she does? I have to say, it is very different living with your immediate family than living with someone else, and I guess she'll have to change or adjust her living methods and understand what is pure commonsense about staying with someone who's not family and learn to live like she's actually away from home.

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