Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Where all the Time Goes to...

So I submitted my resignation and finishing up with the c-a-p-t-i-o-n-i-n-g job first week of Dec. It was sad to say goodbye, but at least I'd be going on to pursue ears! =)

Time really flies... And I just realised I've been in media since 2002!! eeks!

Can't even believe am nearing the end of my course with only a few months left!

Uni has started again and it's back to 7am wake-ups and whole day of classes! The good thing is that I have two days off during the week (Tues and Wed) - but mainly for running errands and doing assignments. Like today, I did errands but uni work was zilch... And was supposed to do work!! At least the day hasn't quite ended yet and I was productive in my errands - did laundry, renewed my driving license, went to get groceries, collected my dry-cleaning, sent a couple of emails, surfed FB pics, did my timetable... And tonight, it'd be work, work, work I hope... Need to start on a couple of assignments otherwise I'd be sooo behind in everything. It is going to be a couple of busy days and months for me!!

And the exam timetable is out!!
17, 18, 23 Nov - theory exams
29 Nov - 3rd Dec - c-l-i-n-i-c-a-l pract exams inclusive of the "deadly viva" (which is an oral exam with three examiners who will interrogate you on two cases). Dates not yet advised! Need to pass so I can head back to Melb without feeling like crap and thinking I might have to resit. If I have to resit, I have to head back in Jan to do so!! So please please pray hard for me!!
Prayers needed desperately on the dates mentioned! Thanks guys!

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