Sunday, 10 August 2008


The first day of the actual games in the O-l-y-m-p-i-c-s and it was crazy!! Insanity you could say! I worked from 5pm and still had to do the web transcript after, and I finished my shift at 5pm. Just a 5-min break really... Crazy? Very!! Even the security guard at SBS was like, "You are still here?" When I mentioned O-l-y-m-p-i-c-s, he was like "Wow, you guys work intense hours."

And in the morn, I had uni - yep, class on a weekend - it was a statistics workshop I had to attend. Guess what? It was really interesting. Never thought I'd say this - BUT Stats at the moment seems to be my favourite subject. For the other subjects by the way - there's so much to print off and for me to listen - we have iLectures - and I'm really nervous... It's only the first week of uni, but I have tests from Week 3 and every week after that, and with the O-l-y-m-p-i-c-s going on, I don't know how I can cope. Praying for strength!!

Fortunately I got back home safe cause I didn't have any dinner (couldn't!) and was really, really hungry, plus really drained. Fatigue was really setting in, so thank God I drove back safe and sound. Came home and just ate a mooncake... how sad right? But I was sooo tired, I just wanted the pillow on my bed. My housemate didn't head home that night - she was over at some friends, so at least I wasn't disturbing her with coming through the door with a set of jingling keys.

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