Tuesday, 4 March 2008

When one door closes, another opens...

Last week I felt horrible - first with the spider bite during my exams and then with my results coming out and failing the phonetics main paper. So no, I didn't get into the MA Speech Pathology course. I even appealed because I had a spider bite during the exam day, but apparently Sydney Uni are so rigid and strict, they said they couldn't accept special consideration for summer school. Anyway, I had a break down of my results and did really well in Ling - 91%. As for phon, I passed the barrier, just not the exam paper. Missed by a few marks which really sucked. Most of my summer school friends got in and sooo happy for them! I miss them lots... I think we just got really close during that time and yeah, it was disappointing and really sad not getting in at all.

Also last week, the relationship scenario wasn't in very good shape and I was contemplating doing that MA Speech course part-time which would take it to 4 years. Imagine 4 years of long distance... not sure if both of us could handle it. This period is a real testing time I think and it's been more down than up really... I need to pray.

Anyway, after all that, I really thought that's the end of my speech science or health science career... but then I remembered applying for the MA Clinical Audiology course at Macquarie Uni, and even remembered getting in, but uni classes had already started. Just thought I try my luck and persistence attribute anyway... so I did. I emailed the program covenor, emailed lots of other people, made lots of phone calls and I guess it paid off... or probably another chance.. And definitely God who is ever so gracious, gave me new hope - BECAUSE I got into the MA Clinical Audiology program at Macq Uni. I missed the first week of class and the second week for one of the subjects so I'm a little far behind... but hopefully I can catch up and do the best I can, and not stuff up again.

I actually have to go into uni tomorrow to sort out my enrollment. Lots of weird things happening in my enrollment. It's just bad uni admin system probably. For one, my fees in my student account says outstanding, but I've already paid full over the phone and even got a receipt number for it. Then I couldn't enrol in this particular subject because it has a prerequisite, but that prerequisite is in Semester 2 for me. Argh!! Plus, I can't get onto my uni email system and the blackboard where they post all the lecture notes because my login isn't activated or just isn't right. And lastly... this error is my fault really, cause I thought I could substitute a subject code with the same subject but a different code and it enrolled me in that subject for Sem 1. Man!! So I have to settle all this at uni tomorrow. I'll be taking the bus, but will go really early to sort everything out.

There was also another big change in my life this week and that is, I've accepted the video captioning supervisor promotion at SBS. I'll not only be doing captioning, but video editing and mixing audio and cutting video feeds... lots of multimedia involved. And I have this sound engineering suite to myself. How cool! I'll be there this Thursday and will definitely take pics. Get ready to go Wow! Hee...

This week has been nothing but excitement really. My really good friends in Melb just got engaged and I'm sooo happy for them! Hee.. they'll know who I'm talking about, but you guys are really blessed to have each other. And dun you worry... I'll always remember the day you guys met. Hee... Treasure the moments and the cloudy, floaty effects for now! I definitely look foward to stories leading up to that big day and the stories after. You guys will always be my be my bestest of friends. Here's to a lifelong friendship of laughter, encouragement, tears, etc!! Missed you both heaps! Can't wait for you two to come up to Syd and visit!

1 comment:

lina said...

wow...you've got loads of stuff going on girl! hey, keep pressing in eh?

you know you are more than a conqueror with CHRIST in you.