Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Test today

Today I had my phonetics test. The day went pretty bad - first, I ended up having really bad cramps and felt yuck and icky. So having to sit through the test was like *groan*

Our test was 5 mins and the day before, I was settling the Sydney housing and only managed to study for 4 hours only. Anyway, after class, the lecturer was marking the tests and I got my result already - 4/5. It was stupid mistakes!! I could have gotten 5/5. And I didn't realise they were so particular with the symbols being under the line or over the line and joined or not joined. Grrr... There were four other people around me who got their results as well and all of them got 4, 4.5... one gal got 5/5. It's gonna be pretty competitive.

Anyway, after that class, a lot of us were dreading going for the Linguistics class because yesterday it was soooo boring, AND guess what? There was no class because the lecturer for that subject was sick. So we left at about 11:30am.

Went to have lunch at the QVB with this friend I met who currently stays at my temp accommodation. She's really nice and we have been hanging out a fair bit. We took a bus there, but I really had to get home because my cramps were really acting up and I felt like throwing up. So after getting a few things after lunch - like a few pills, an umbrella (yes, I finally got one!) and other essentials, we caught the bus straight back. Then I slept and now feeling much better.

Later meeting up with my dad maybe... for dinner and to show him my new place.

Heading back to Melb this weekend!!

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