Friday, 18 January 2008

Stupid Blonde Moments... and update on move

This is me in a "blonde daze" after a full day of uni - M, my hostel mate, went to get a fan at Kmart for her hostel room. We tried to assemble it and first, took all the parts out of the box. But halfway after putting the fan together, we realised there was no chrome metal rod. Then I noticed a silver thing and said "Maybe it's this." M said, "But nah, it doesn't look like it. That's part of the inside of the fan" (something like that along those lines). So I helped her search her room and the box for this metal rod. She took all her clothes off her bed, looked under her bed, kept saying "Shouldn't it be in this?" and she showed me this blue long plastic thing that looked like the rod was meant to be in there. We took about half an hour trying to find this. Then all of a sudden, she said "Let's try what you suggest (which was that the metal rod was inside the bottom fan bit and we had to pull it up). I don't think it is, but last resort." Well... she pulled it up and then we just started bursting into laughter. That wasn't all... We found a cup looking thing and we didn't know what it was for. We thought it was something to adjust the height of the fan, but when we put it on the fan pole, it didn't fit and just dropped to the bottom. And then we were like "Ohhhh!" It's actually meant for the legs. I don't think we've ever been that dumb before...

Well, today, after I woke and had breakfast, M helped me to put some of my boxes in the car because I'm checking out of my temp accommodation this Sunday. But this was the blonde moment - after breakfast, M was following me to my room and um, I tried to put in my key in the main door that opens to my floor level. I did it twice!

Went to Ryde, the suburb I'm staying at with C and we spent about 3 hours fixing the TV table. It was a huge job and pretty tough. We needed a hammer and I can't believe we hit in about 40 over nails for one table. I couldn't get a small hammer from Kmart either and had to make do with a really big one, but it was really good quality. Anyway, we had to keep screwing and unscrewing the bolts because some of them were too tight, too loose, the wrong way around... but after all that, we finally finished - and realised that part of the cupboard shelf showed the ugly bit. Oh no! But we left it because it was too tough to take out and all the nails were already hit in quite deep. We're thinking of going to Bunnings to grab some wood-like material to glue onto the ugly bits. That should work...

This morning when I met C at Ryde as well, she fixed up the front door cause there was a little bit that needed glueing down and I painted all the window sills. Whoever was there before left white paint so all we needed was a brush. It does look better.

Had a really long day but the house is coming along well. It should be all lived in by a month's time. Why a month? My stuff hasn't arrived yet and it'll only be arriving in two weeks. Plus a neighbour downstairs who is also part of body corporate has mentioned to us that they hired a new gardener who is going to re-plant some other plants and trim the bushes, so it'll look nicer. The nightime sensor lights aren't really working either and that neighbour said she'll put in a word about that. She seems a little demanding, but is quite nice.. She even mentioned about the insects and recommended us contact our agent so that fly screens can be installed, plus she even told us that she's got something long to pull back the trees so we get some sunlight and that creepy crawlies don't go in. We do have lots of spiders and mosquitoes (mossies) in the place, but hopefully once the new gardener does his revamping of the bushes, they will not be there anymore...

Tomorrow, I need to go with my dad's colleague to have a look at a fridge in the warehouse and if we like it, I'll take it. It's free anyway. And then I really have to study. Might go to RTA to change my car rego/license some other time... But there's still so much to do and my heart is really on the move - can't seem to concentrate on studies... It's like everyone's working so hard at summer school and I haven't had the time to really focus. I really need to pass in order to get into the course, but at the moment, I am struggling and I think I'm quite far behind at the moment... Getting nervous too because I have a Linguistics exam on the 30th and know nothing about it. By the way, results of that mini test is out on Monday and then we have another mini test on Wednesday.

Unfortunately I won't have Internet from this Sunday until Wednesday, so if you guys don't hear from me via Facebook, etc... that's why. I may be able to use the uni one but not sure if I need a Student Card. Haven't got mine yet... I think I get it during the official enrolment day... *Shrugs* Might use M's Internet... But yeah, I don't know what I'd do without the Internet. I guess it's a good opportunity to study. I survived approximately one week without watching the TV so I think I can do without an Internet. I'll probably catch up with uni work. And I need to call one of my friend's sister to take me to church this Sunday... Will do that tomorrow...

No more updates probably until Wednesday 23rd which is also the day I'm back in Melb!! I'll be at the Aust Open semis on the 24th. And leaving 25th... so anyone wanna meet up... maybe on the day I land.. although that day is a tiring day cause I have class from 9am and a uni test. Would probably have to wake early for uni - maybe 8am - just in case of traffic... It's the first day I'm gonna go to uni from my new place and M's not carpooling with me (she usually does...). She'll probably have to get up at 6 something - poor gal. So yeah, I'll be tired, but would love to see you guys then!

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