Friday, 14 December 2007

The week before and after Christmas

I've got about a week before I head off to Spore for a week for Christmas and it's busy and stressful. I'm working all day - the only day I have off is Sunday 16 Dec. And I've got lots of stuff lined up. For instance, I have the optometrist to go to - I'm getting special contact lenses that do cornea reshaping (not everyone can do it, but I've seen the optometrist and he's really good, and after a few little tests, I'm deemed suitable for it) which means that I only wear contacts at night - I don't have to wear contacts during the day and I can see perfectly. It's expensive, but it'll be worth it!

Other than that, I have to get a $10 present for my Kris Kringle at work. I wonder what I should get... hmmm... maybe a coffee cup? Or a gift card from Gloria Jeans... hmm... Any ideas?

I also have to get my hair cut and my final Gardasil vaccine. On my day off (Sunday), I'll probably do some Christmas shopping at Myer.

TY is leaving for Singapore tomorrow - Friday night - and it's a good thing that today we managed to check out the Christmas lights displays on the houses. It's really good. Can't believe how long people take to put up all those decos on their house. I'd love to put up some pics but they are in TY's cam. If you guys have a car and have a chance, you should check the Christmas lights out on the houses. The really good ones are the finalists listed in the Herald Sun day by day before Christmas, or just Google "Herald Sun Christmas Lights Competition Finalists" and it would come up with all the finalists' names and addresses. Some of the houses, you can even go up to and look closely at the windows. Some houses even have small boxes/tins for you to drop in a small donation - they usually go towards charity.

I have to send out my Christmas cards too! If you guys would like a Chrissy card going your way, email me your address. If you have Facebook, that's where you can find my email address. Which reminds me - I need to get Chrissy cards.

I will definitely blog about the Christmas period when I'm in Spore, but after that, I'll be back in Melb on the 30th, arriving 31st morning and working later on in the afternoon on the same day. Yeah I know, call me mad... But that's when the roster week ends and there was no time to change it or let anyone fill that shift as lots of people are taking leave that period. I'm working NY's too, unfortunately. Last day is the 3rd of Jan and am working on that day too. Then I leave for Sydney on 4 Jan. My future housemate will be up there on the 3rd of Jan so hopefully she and I will be able to find a home by the weekend before my classes start on 7 Jan. And hopefully I will be able to find my way to the Syd Uni campus. I know... it's really rushed. But I am crossing fingers and toes that all will go OK.

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