After my tiring placement up in Newcastle, it was a good change to be in Melb for about 1.5 weeks. My Melb trip made me miss Melb a lot and I didn't really feel like leaving. Despite the monstrous number of assignments I had to do while in Melb, I still had quite a bit of opportunity to hang with TY, relax, go out, eat nice food and mingle.
While TY was at work, used that time to work on my assignments, and rewarded myself later in the evening for relaxation and outings, and catch up with a few friends. Really miss all that... It was pretty tough though having my parents around, especially my mum who doesn't work and constantly wanted to meet up during the afternoons. But I had assignments and sometimes parents just don't understand why you need so much time to do them. My parents keep saying "can't I do it at night?", or "it's been two days, haven't you finished it yet?" For those still studying or have studied before, you guys know that two days for a 3000 word assignment is never enough... although I did manage to pull the 3000 word assignment in two days while I was in Melb, with all my research pre-done. Not sure how I'd go though... Just crossed my fingers and prayed as I put it through electronic submission.
Now back in Syd and having to tackle assignments. I have one due Mon and then Tues-Fri, on my second clinical placement. I also have a 1000 word clinical essay due Fri but probably can't do that while am on placement... Hopefully I get these two essays out of the way and done by the weekend... but working Sat. So the plan at the moment is to try and work on my Mon essay tomorrow morning (Sat) before work, work on it a bit after work, work on it on Sun after church. Then try to get my Fri essay finished by Mon... It's due at 9am on the Mon! This way, I can concentrate on preparing for my placement on the Tues.
Quite nervous about my 2nd placement, cause that's at my uni clinic. I have this thought that because it's the uni clinic, they would be more strict on you, because they know what you should be capable of. But all the more that I have to impress them... It's kinda good that I have a laid-back clinical e-d-u-c-a-t-o-r (everyone says he's real easy to work with)... but I still feel that I shouldn't have high hopes. What if he ends up to be really cranky that week? Just hoping it all goes well... And the worse bit is that my exam dates are out! 10th and 13th June! And my last assignment is due 5th June! They don't give you that much time to study, do they? Anyway, please pray for me!! And that I remember all that I can - everything that I will be studying prior to the exams!