Wednesday, 29 April 2009

So Little Time, So Much to do!!

7 assignments, 2 clinical assessment port folios, 3 exams! This is all due by mid June believe it or not!

Real people, real clients, real cases - haha, that's my little slogan for next week when going up to Newcastle. You might remember a similar phrase from Judge Judy: "The people are real, the cases are real, the court is real" - something like that anyway... Not that I watch Judge Judy, but sometimes it comes on when I'm having lunch, and I seem to remember the slogan. Hee hee!

I have to admit I am a little nervous, but really excited as well to be going to Newcastle for my clinical placement. It would be a nice change from the real Sydney life to a bit of surfer/bogan life... And hopefully it'd be a good experience. There is one food thing I'll be looking forward to almost every day and that's Cold Rock! It's awesome! And after TY and I made a little mesh with the ice-cream flavours, the flavour we made was the best!! Sorry guys, it's a secret ingredient... hee hee!

Straight after Newcastle, I'm onward-bound to Melbourne! Hopefully I won't have to embrace the cold wintry blast... I'd be there for a week, but will have to do the assignments while TY works... Maybe I'll put up at Melb uni's library cause I need to use a printer and scanner somehow... I wonder if the State Library has a printer and scanner.. hmmm... I might also be able to stay longer than 16 May... I initially planned 16 May cause I had a manual submission of an assignment on 18 May, but I think now I can just email it. So might be able to stay a few more days extra... and then have to be back for another placement!

Need to finish this assignment and start packing maybe, and then start on another assignment!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

I'm Back!!

Am back blogging! Reason: It's just been insanely, absurdly, crazy, intense since I started uni. At week 5 of my course, I already felt like I had an information overload - the study workload I was handling was crammed into a few weeks and there was just so much. I've done a Masters coursework in E-d-i-t-i-n-g and P-u-b-l-i-s-h-i-n-g but it wasn't like this. This Masters is really tedious and tiring. It's a great course and it's really fun when you end up doing the practs, but it really drains you too.

I had an a-n-a-t-o-m-y and p-h-y-s-i-o-l-o-g-y quiz not long ago and I flunked it! Imagine! But quite a few did as well. I just felt really stupid after that. Then again, I've never done any a-n-a-t-o-m-y and p-h-y-s-i-o-l-o-g-y at all... closest would be bio in high school.

Today in the same subject, we had this a-c-o-u-s-t-i-c-s quiz and I feel I did a lot better - I definitely know I passed this one so hopefully it'd pull my mark up from the other one. I was more confident too which is good - hopefully... I did check my answers with others after and I already know I did a few careless calculations and using the wrong formulas, but both quizes are worth 10% each so I guess it's not too bad.

Tomorrow's the start of the long Easter weekend - it's not really gonna be a relaxing one, cause I have a clinic exam after Easter and a major essay due on the Tues. And on the Fri, I have a report and presentation due too. So it's church Fri morn and then essays. Then Sat working. And Sun, it'd be church and essays.

In fact, with the sem break, my course might be the few in uni who have classes next week and only have the long weekend off - everyone else in uni has next week off - their mid-sem break - and unfortunately we don't get the break. But I guess it makes up for it because when we are on placements, we don't actually have classes, only clinics. We each get 2.5 weeks worth of placements. I've got two placements - one in Newcastle (Aust) for a week and the other at the uni clinic... The placement in Newcastle is about 2 hrs drive from my home and I had to come up with quite a fair bit of $ for a decent accommodation because the cheap ones were all taken.

There's actually a whole month without classes before the exams, and only 2.5 weeks of placements, so I'll be heading down to Melb sometime in May to spend time with TY. I've still got assignments due during that period, so I'll definitely be working on them when TY is working during the day, then the night's free to do whatever. Might visit Melb Uni's library to do my assignments there... I dunno why, but I seem to be more productive in the lib nowadays... but looking forward to going to Melb again.

Pretty nervous about my placement because I need to write reports and be able to deal with clients and do the testings right so hopefully all goes well. And I definitely need work outfits before placements start... But my main worry now is to get through my clinical exam on the Tues. It'd be on a simulator, but please pray for me that I can do well in it and that I have His strength and focus. Thanks guys! Am going to have a relaxing and quiet night today especially after the a-c-o-u-s-t-i-c-s test, then tomorrow it's church and back to the study.