Thursday, 27 September 2007

The break has come...

Finally got a break of two days so making the most of it. Well not exactly. Today (the first day off) I managed to run most of my errands. In particular, managed to post the rest of my uni applications. Somehow Macquarie University wrote back to me requesting proof of award for my Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree. What the? I thought my transcripts already show that I've completed the course. Maybe they think I'm faking it or something. Weird...

Tomorrow (the second day off) I'm going to see some greens. TY and I and a few people are going up to the mountains - Grampians. I actually have never been up there all this time while in Aust. I know... so deprived...

Anyway, it should be a good time to relax and soak in the sun and suck some mountain air.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Relaxed Moments Last Week...

Apart from the busy schedule at work, managed to catch a few movies last week... Here are my reviews that I also added to Facebook.


Very impressed with Johnny Travolta! He was certainly amazing. It was a skill to act that way and he did it so well. A good thing the mum (John Travolta) and the dad didn't kiss... It would have been really awkward and weird... Everyone sang really well too. It was pretty good! Just go with an open mind and you'll definitely learn to appreciate it.


I think out of all action movies that have been released in threes at the box office, the Bourne movies are the best. The third one didn't seem to let me down, nor did the first and second. It was really good and clever - the whole thing. Suspense, storyline, plot, acting wasn't overdone. It isn't even hardcore action compared to XXX for example. Basically it's action that can happen in real-life. Very well done! Just go watch it!

Sunday, 23 September 2007

I'm zonked and here to tell you why...

The weekend has been pretty crazy at work. People sick and so much live events happening. I did the rugby for about 2 hours including the news on one of the days this week. And then now there's the Davis Cup. Rugby is OK because it goes on for two hours and a little bit over. Tennis, you can never tell and it can sometimes go on forever. The men's matches usually last longer than the gals - they often go for more than 3 sets (maybe they're more competitive), but they are also more interesting to watch... I do know one thing for sure and that is when Lleyton Hewitt plays, he can go on forever... I think cause he oftens puts up a really big fight and so it ends up to be a long one.

On Friday, I did two men's tennis matches including Lleyton's. The first one went for 3 sets, but Lleyton's went on for 5 sets. A pretty good match, but I was really tired. It's probably different working on the tennis than actually watching it for entertainment. I love watching it, but maybe not really working on it. Anyway, on that day, I started my shift on a news shift and ended my shift doing the tennis until 4.15am. That was 11.5 hours straight. Saturday came and I still had to work later in the day after the tennis. Worked 9 hours straight on Saturday till 10pm, and now Sunday's here, and I'm back on the news and tennis. Not sure how long the tennis will go for, but because Lleyton won the previous match (the one I did on Friday), he's playing again tonight. And who knows how long he'll go on for... probably until early Monday morning. Maybe *sarcastically* I'll get to see the sunrise. And get this... my parents are arriving Monday morning at 8am so I'll need to pass them my sister's keys. And then, I'm working later in the day as well... Yep! It's a long few days and a lot of hours... I'm zoning out and desperate for a break!!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


I miss blogging to a certain extent. And yep, I blame it all on Facebook!! Grrr! It really has been taking up a lot of my time. Even at work, my colleagues are on it and I can't refuse not to use it during break time. It's a bad, bad addiction! I haven't slept early, I've been having really bad neck and back aches, I have been feeling really tired... Argghh...

Anyway, what's been the latest - I received an email from Macquarie Uni saying that perhaps I should consider their audiology program as well. It's no different to Speech Path, just instead of speech disorders, it's hearing disorders... so yeah, I'm considering applying for that.

Also just heard from my parents, and talk about changing minds constantly - they've now decided that if I wish to do my course in Adelaide, they'll assist me. My parents actually have an old friend who is working for the tourism business in Adelaide, and said he might be able to offer me a casual job. I know the uncle, but didn't even know that he moved to Adelaide. He's not related... just my parents' old-time friend. I think he used to work with my mom.

So now, I have two applications to go, one for Flinders University in Adelaide and the one in Macquarie. Will probably do them on my off days - Wed and Thur.

Apart from the tiredness, I have been trying to relax to a certain extent. Managed to catch Ratatouille. It's so good, I want to watch it again!! I also caught Bourne Ultimatum. It was really good too! Like all Bourne movies, it was excellent and Matt Damon played an awesome role! These two movies are worth a watch. Can't wait for Hairspray. TV wise - been addicted to Aussie Idol. The ones I like are still in it! And I reckon a guy would win this one. The ratio guys to gals is just stronger on the guys' part.

Nothing much else has been happening, except my neck feels like it wants to fall off from my head. Too much stress maybe and that's why my neck is all knotted up with tight, tense muscle aches... Grrr... Can't move properly...

Monday, 10 September 2007

One down, a few more to go...

Just submitted one application, and gosh, it's been a while since I submitted an application form. At first, I had problems with my scanner and my documents won't scan properly. Then I resorted to photocopying but it ended up really blur or with lots of dark areas. Until, I folded some A4 papers to cover the empty bits... and it worked! Yay! So one is on its way through the post. To tell you the truth, I felt nervous putting it in the postbox... dunno why... start of uni symptoms maybe.

Just two more applications - one to Sydney Uni (when they do open up their applications on their website) and two, to Flinders University in Adelaide... although right now, I don't even think I should apply to Flinders because I won't be able to support myself. Well, my parents are not very keen on the idea and they said they won't support me if I do go there. And I was thinking that if I do apply and then reject their offer, it would seem quite bad... The worst thing is that if I don't get into Sydney universities, I'll probably stay on in Melb and if I do, for that year (2009), I'll want to apply to La Trobe uni and to Flinders Uni. And to apply to Flinders Uni again, it'll be like "She rejected us before..."

ANYWAY, we'll see what happens with my now applications... Stay tune!

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Working mad

Yep! I've been working like crazy. I think this week, I was working 6 days straight and last week as well with one roster day off in the middle which wasn't enough for me to do my multiple errands. Plus I've been Facebooking - my fault... And the result - lack of sleep, tired every day... I have to fast from Facebook! Meebo was better.

And I realise I have so many things to do - clean my rabbit's cage, work on my finances (which I usually do every Wed), do my laundry, clean out my room... the list goes on...
Top priority - my uni applications for next year which I have yet to complete. Remember the due date is end September for one uni and for the others, it's end October... so I don't have much time. I also think I lost some of my high school transcripts. I just seem to have misplaced them. Grrr...

At least I got my car serviced this week and managed to print out all the application forms and read through course syllabus. So that was productive. Now looking forward to the next two days off.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Making the next step

Here is the updates about my course research...

First of all, La Trobe Uni is suspending the course for next year (2008) but will resume their course in 2009. Spoke to a few of my colleagues who are in uni and they said that the unis have done that before and when it came to the following year, they again suspended the course for other reasons. They said it is unlikely that they will, but there's always the possibility and it has happened before.

Second, I checked out the applications for NUS (National University of Singapore) and they are no longer taking applications for their 2008 intake because it's full house. So there goes that option.

Third, I received an email from Macquarie University. They said that it's too late for me to sit any preliminary subjects to qualify for the 2008 intake - that's if I need to do those subjects. They have a qualifying program during summer but they said that is only for their 2009 intake. However they said I should apply so I get to know if I'm to sit those subjects. If not, I go straight into the 2008 intake - how nice if that were the case... so am crossing fingers.

Fourth, the University of Sydney also offers the course and they have a summer semester as well, but thir summer semester is a bridging program meant for people starting the course in 2008, which is great.

So here is what I'm going to do...
After all those sleepless nights and constant prayers to him, I think I'm just going to leave it up to Him really. I'm going to apply everywhere that the course is being held. At the moment, the University of Sydney seems really promising. Macquarie University is a little ambiguous with the email responses... and well, Flinders University in Adelaide has a really good course structure with about 90% of their students already getting jobs before they graduate. I know it's Adelaide, but it might be a better learning environment - for one, lesser stress financially, because everything costs less than Melb and Syd.

Anyway, applications are due late Sep to late Oct, so I'll probably only get an answer sometime mid November to early December... Once this is definite, I'll definitely let you guys know.

If, for some reason, I do not get in at all, I'll just stay in Melb and do what I've been doing, and maybe try out for the following year of intakes (2009) at La Trobe Uni if they continue with their course.