Sunday 2 August 2009

Part 2 Melb - onto Part 3 Melb trip

Oh yes, I was supposed to write Part 2 Melb... but I think by now, everyone knows a bit about Part 2... so here's my brief version...
Part 2 was my last few days in Melb during the 2 weeks I was there. Ate a lot and caught up with a few movies like Transformers 2 (which was better than the first one), Harry Potter (which was horrible) and Night of the Museum 2 (which was really fun). Also went up to Geelong to visit frens and played the new version Pictionary. It's actually a pretty good game! TY and I had never played it before and managed to whip some arse! Hee hee!! Sorry M and D! But at least it's ur game - you have many many days to improve ur Pictionary skills before the next time I'm there! Hee hee!!

The finale of Part 2 - leaving Melb back to Syd for a supplementary exam and also for work because I couldn't take leave. The supplementary exam is one of those practical exams that you have to get 100%. They don't even accept 99%! It's a pass or fail and every unit is a hurdle requirement for the next semester. The sup was tougher than the initial paper and the surprising thing was that almost half the class turned up! But they were all there for different components of the exam and everyone found it hard. One of my classmates had the same component as me and he came out having a different answer for one part of it, but in the end, he still passed. I guess they are okay with 99.97% or something like that. He received feedback saying he had that one bit wrong, but he still passed - I didn't get any feedback at all - just congratulations. So progressing to Sem 2 and today I have quite a lot of readings to get through!

But first, Part 3 of Melb - ate a lot again. There weren't much movies to see, but I played a lot more iPod Touch games on TY's iPod Touch, celebrated TYs actual bday with dinner which was a funny story, and also went to the snow! For TY's bday dinner, he wanted steak and we were wanting to go to H-o-g's Breath, but it was closed for a private function. So we said S-t-o-k-e-h-o-u-s-e and when we got there, there was a special dinner banquet going on, but the restaurant upstairs was still opened at that hour, and because we were really hungry, we said okay. We sat down, and it was fine dining!! But the food was really worth it! Both of us had a kingfish fillet with celery puree, bugs around it, some seaweed thingy lying on top of the fish, crushed pistachios, alfafa - sheer perfection! Wouldn't mind going again. For about 40 something, it was really worth it! And I cleaned my plate!!

I was only in Melb for 5 days in Part 3 of my Melb trip. One of the other things I did was see Australian snow for the very first time! We wanted to go to L-a-k-e Entrance but it only had 5cm of snow. So we went a bit further - Mt B-a-w B-a-w. It was about 3 hours away and really worth it. It ended up snowing there too! And one of the cafes there ended up having my potato and leak soup! =) Yummy!! It also snowed while we were up there, and we made a really interesting-looking snowman. I tried to make a snow angel but the ice was too hard! The snow was really a last min thing, and because I didn't bring any really thick winter clothing, I had to rent some. Snow pics are not up on FB as yet, but will be soon.

Returned to Syd Fri nite, and had to work immediately the next day on the Ashes (cricket) till midnight. Also went onto my uni site and found out that I have all these readings to do for class tomorrow! Yuck! My housemate isn't back till tonight - she extended her flight - which is kinda good too cause I can clean the place. Also looking for a housemate. Got quite a few interested, but I quite like two of them, and out of the two, I like one better... One is a hairdresser and the other is gonna be studying a postgrad course in music therapy. They haven't viewed the place yet, and I haven't confirmed anything... but will definitely update this! I really enjoyed the hols and Melb! Can't wait to be back again!! Miss the hols and not looking very forward to uni starting tomorrow... Hope I survive the next semester - cause it's gonna be tougher!

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