Sunday 14 June 2009

The Semester Coming to an End

So the main theory exams are over and I have one practical exam left on the Thurs. Don't really need to study it much because it's a pract. But I have to have the correct techniques etc to pass. So hopefully I do... It's a hurdle as well. If not, I have to be back on 27 Jul to sit a supplementary.

Back in Melb from 4 Jul - Independance Day... and then back to Syd on the 16th to work on the weekend, and then on 20th, back to Melb again till 31st. But of course, if I fail the pract exam, I'll need to head back after that. I wasn't nervous about that pract exam until now... And my first two exams, I was quite stressed, but surprisingly, I was quite calm about the paper during both theory exams. I think I did enough to pass - well, hopefully... but I had a little smile on my face after, which is usually rare after exams... So overall, it was good I guess. Just have to wait for final results. And right now, have to try to make use of the university simulators to practice for the exam...

Can't believe one semester is nearly over!! Am looking forward to semester two - sort of - because there are two units involving pediatrics and I quite like that specialty... but there are a lot more assignments... hmmm... doesn't always come with the best of both worlds... But after this semester, have to enjoy hols... hee!

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